Urban 9 is a low-cost residential building located in Limassol, Polemidia. High demand on residential projects, quick construction and low-cost budgets led the local developers to search for rapid solutions. Under the existing conditions many projects lost their individuality and the human oriented design development. Urban 9 building attempts to re-form the lost link between human and architecture under these conditions. The building was design to sustain nine one-bedroom flats. The three-floor structure contains three apartments in each level. The building can be accessed through the main south road. The parking area, storage rooms and the main entrance of the residential building are located on the ground floor facing south. Although the main staircase and lift shaft are located to the north side of the building, the user can have a visual contact as soon as he enters the ground floor area. All the apartments are orientated south, while their entries are facing north. The northern façade is mostly closed to reduce thermal loss and reduce exposure to the neighbor buildings. Towards the south, the building opens up completely, maximizing passive solar gain and the connection with the public street. In between the two contrary facades, the building’s plan undergoes a gradual transformation, from compartmentalized in the North, to open-plan and structured free-form elements towards the South. Here the building is concluded with an informal filter-like balcony layer. Although the expose south façade unifies the nine individual apartments, each flat sustains its privacy by planted partitions.